2 scenes
Scenes by Camera Boy
 Love you, too
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Camera Boy is a longtime friend of all of us in the Pied Asian Girls circle. He's blessed us with his excellent photography instincts behind the video camera during multi-camera events, taken awesome pro photos of me and the girls from time to time, and often just shown up to have some beer and pizza while laughing at us behind the scenes. He ended up in front of the camera for our Pie Party #1 - much to the delight of some of the girls because, let's face it, he's fucking cute.
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This is the co-ed version of The Pie Tournament #2. It has 14 more minutes of footage than the "Only Girls Pied" version--14 minutes of the cute boys also getting pied and playing in the mess. All the pics on the page for the "Only Girls Pied" versio...
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This video features five girls and four boys getting pied at our first big co-ed pie party. This is the long version of "Pie Party #1--"Only Girls Pied" Version" and it contains all of the mess on all of the boys and girls--and all of the fun! This...
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